Join Vancouver Francophone business community !
The Francophone Chamber of Commerce of Vancouver offers several membership options to allow any Francophone or Francophile entrepreneur, regardless of size, profile and industry, to take advantage of all the benefits associated with their membership, and to be supported in their entrepreneurial journey!
Becoming a member of the CCFV means:
• Free access or at a reduced price to all our events, workshops and activities
• An increased visibility for your business with our networks
• Exclusive access to resources and tools
• And much more!
Three membership options:
Individual Member
1 representative
$120 / year
For self-employed workers and NPOs with less than 10 employees
Commercial Member
2 representatives
$220 / year
For companies with 2 to 10 employees
Corporate Member
4 representatives
$440 / year
For companies and NPOs with more than 10 employees
Ready to become a member?
Fill out the form below and get immediate access to all your membership benefits!